delicious taste, home-made of quality ingredients

                                ... only eggs, seeds, nuts and insoluble fiber

Puretaste develops and manufactures gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carb and keto products. Our products are made from fresh, original ingredients. Our main products are grainfree bread, buns and plant-based meat for burgers and salami. Our e-shop and community seller mediates sales to end customers. Another of our customer groups are restaurants and bistros. In addition to production, we also provide solutions in the development of new GFDF / Lowcarb products in the form of providing know-how or recipes.




Investment opportunity

Would you like to produce lowcarb / GFDF products according to our know-how? Check out our offer




Ingredients: Fresh cage free eggs, sunflower and flaxseed, water, apple fiber, sea salt and caraway seeds.

Nutritional Values in 100g Product:
Energy value: 1164 kJ 277 kcal
Protein: 14.6 g
Fats: 22.6 g
Digestible carbohydrates: 3.9 g • Fiber: 8.7 g
Fat / Protein / Carbohydrate Ratio: 0.97: 1

Whole loaf: 310 CZK • 11.65 € / 1kg
Small loaf: 110 CZK • 4.13 € / 350 g


Ingredients: Fresh cage free eggs, sunflower and flaxseed, coconut flour, cashew, almonds, sesame, water and sea salt.

Nutritional Values in 100g Product:
Energy value: 1126 kJ 268 kcal
Protein: 14.7 g
Fats: 21.3 g
Digestible carbohydrates: 4.4 g • Fiber: 7 g
Ratio – Fats / Proteins with Carbohydrates: 0.949

Whole loaf: 350 CZK • 13.15 € / 1kg
Small loaf: 130 CZK • 4.88 € / 350 g


Ingredients: Fresh cage free eggs, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, water, apple fiber, karob, sea salt and caraway seeds.

Calculation of nutritional values per 100 g: 1155 kJ 275,81 kcal
Protein: 14,6 g
Fats: 22,9 g
Digestible carbohydrates: 3,9 g • Fiber: 6,5 g

Whole loaf: 330 CZK • 12.40 € / 1kg
Small loaf: 120 CZK • 4.5 € / 350 g


Ingredients: Fresh cage free eggs, poppy (CZ), flaxseed, cashew, coconut flour, chia, water, prunes, apple pulp, almonds, sea salt

Calculation of nutritional values per 100 g: 1038 kJ 247 kcal
Protein: 13.5 g
Fats: 18.8 g
Digestible carbohydrates: 6 g • Fiber: 8.3 g
Fat / Protein / Carbohydrate Ratio: 0.76: 1

Whole loaf: 495 CZK • 18.60 € / 1kg
Small loaf: 170 CZK • 6.39 € / 350 g


Ingredients: Fresh bedding eggs, walnuts, apple fiber, cashews, coconut flour, prunes, carob, sea salt, spices.

Calculation of nutritional values per 100 g:
Energy value: 1094 kJ 250.7 kcal
Protein: 13.7 g
Fats: 19.3 g • Saturated fatty acids 3.86
Digestible carbohydrates: 6.7 g • Fiber: 6.7 g

Whole loaf: 495 CZK • 18.60 € / 1kg
„Third time: 170 CZK • 6.39 € / 350 g

Ingredients: Fresh cage free eggs, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, water, apple fiber, karob, sea salt and caraway seeds.

Calculation of nutritional values per 100 g: 1155 kJ 275,81 kcal
Protein: 14,6 g
Fats: 22,9 g
Digestible carbohydrates: 3,9 g • Fiber: 6,5 g


Ingredients: Fresh bedding eggs, coconut, coconut and almond flour, golden flax, dried pineapple not widespread, sea salt

Calculation of nutritional values per 100 g:
Energy value: 925 kJ 220 kcal
Protein: 11.3 g • Fats: 17.51 g • Saturated fatty acids 7.87
Fiber: 4.3 g • Carbohydrates: 5.9 • Digestible carbohydrates: 2.1 g

Whole loaf: 400 CZK • 15.03 € / 1kg
„Third time: 140 CZK • 5.26 € / 350 g




To produce the basic dark variety of the No Grain Bread we use just eggs, seeds, water, insoluble fibre, sea salt, and caraway. Other kinds of bread are enriched by other types of seeds or nuts; the “sweet” varieties are sweetened using dried fruits, for more details see each type below.


Our bread is hand-made, we mill the seed and nut flour manually right before production to avoid unnecessary oxidation. We purchase the ingredients directly from the importer or from a Czech grower so that they do not remain in sellers’ warehouses for a long time and are as fresh as possible.  Since 20.1.2019 we only use deep litter eggs or organic ones.


We do not use any grains or ingredients containing gluten in our workshop, therefore, there is no risk of unwanted gluten contamination. The nuts and seeds we use for production are gluten-free certified.


We only use base ingredients.
All types of our bread are free of grains, soy and legumes or their derived products, free of dairy, starch, sugar, preservatives and other classic industrial “refiners”.

Watch a video about the production and ingredients for grain-free bread ↓



Proteins are the essential building blocks of all living organisms. Nutrition based on higher protein intake provides a number of advantages:

  • Weight loss when switching to the so-called fat metabolism (Simply put – it is easier for our body to digests sugars, which is why it stores fat – the so-called carbohydrate metabolism. However, if the body does not receive sugars, after about three days it switches to fat digestion)
  • Sport – Proteins are irreplaceable in human nutrition to create and renew bodily tissues
  • When sugars are excluded, cravings for sweets and gnawing hunger gradually disappear. That is because we do not increase the insulin level; insulin always releases into our bloodstream in higher quantity than is needed for digestion, and therefore the excess always stays in the bloodstream. This insulin informs our brain – I need more food – sometimes this phenomenon is described as the carbohydrate circle.
  • When proteins and fats are consumed, our brain signals once we have enough. Thus, we only eat until satiated and we do not overeat, as is the case with carb-based nutrition.


Many successful diet systems are based on excluding sugar and starch such as Paleo, Keto, Low carb, Gaps, SCD, Atkinson diet, Whole 30, CUkrfree (sugar-free), No side dish diet, and others.

All these diets have one thing in common – they exclude classic side dishes such as potatoes, rice, pasta, dumplings and bread. That is obviously a simplified statement because starches make for a cheap volume increase, and as such, they are used in a majority of industrially processed foods; therefore, we even find them where we would least expect them – e.g. in ketchup and mustard; the same goes for sugar in food.

The success of such diets is probably due to the fact that the body gets a break from gluten, which is present in most food, as well as from starch and classic sugar, which make digestion more difficult; it may also be due to adding veggies to the diet.

These diets make people feel better both health-wise and physically; the two are obviously interconnected; they manage to lose weight, get rid of attacks of gnawing hunger or sugar cravings… There is just a single tiny cloud in this blue sky – a habit.

In case we were used to eating bread throughout our life as the major part of our diet (we were even told – eat the bread roll, not just the ham, otherwise you’ll get hungry!), after some time the desire to “at least put a spread on something… maybe a pate”, catches up with us ( by the way – exactly this desire is also the reason our No Grain Bread was created).

And that is exactly the purpose of our No Grain Bread. If one doesn’t give up his healthy diet using vegetables as sides, but still knows that every now and then he can also have a bite of bread – what more to ask for?!


All the No Grain Bread types by are naturally free of gluten and dairy. The ingredients used to make them are fresh eggs, nuts, seeds, apple or bamboo fibre and, in case of the “sweet” kinds, also sulphur-free dried fruits.

In our workshop we do not use any kind of grains or other ingredients containing gluten, therefore, there is no risk of unintentional gluten contamination. Nuts and seeds used to make our bread are gluten-free certified.

Our motivation to avoid grains, or gluten, has various reasons.

Wheat is over-cultivated with an aim to reach the highest possible gluten contents so that the resulting bread is “fluffy”, also to increase parasite resistance, yield per sqm of field and mould resistance.  It is probably no secret that it causes digestion issues to a lot of people.

Gluten-free bread, in case it is sourdough from naturally gluten-free grains, also presents a good alternative, but it is not as simple as rye bread, because it is rather difficult to bake such bread in high quantity while keeping the standard quality. Even though there already are some types of gluten-free sourdough bread available on the market, they usually contain some additives and starches.

In classic industrial production, gluten-free bread resembles more of a chemical cocktail. It is quite surprising that someone suffering from intestinal disease would be offered such product containing mainly starches and sugar and often even wheat with removed gluten (i.e. deproteinized), but even such wheat has been linked to immune system activation and presence of markers of the so-called leaky gut.

Then there is also the topic of dining culture and overuse of bread. If we had moderate consumption of bread, especially of high-quality bread, we would probably not have reached a situation when we need to exclude it altogether. We understand that the current busy times support the fast food and quick snack philosophy using bread as its basis, nevertheless, there are other options.

Our No Grain Bread should be used to make the above-mentioned mainly vegetable-based diet more varied; it should not replace classic bread to keep the “bread 5 times a day” mode. On the other hand, we know that after two or three years completely without bread, one gets to miss what he had been used to for his entire life and he sometimes craves to have a slice of bread. Our “bread” is there for you and we will be glad if you take it for pleasure.